The Holistic Actor Method Four-Day Introductory Workshop:
The Emotional Body as the Basis of Performance
Developed and led by: Melitta Konrádi (USA)
When: 2021, 8-11th October, every day between 10:00-13:00 and 16:00-20:00
Where: Franciscan Monastery (Piata Muzeului, str. Victor Deleu 2-4, Cluj-Napoca)
For: actors, theatre directors, dancers, performers
Participation fee: 100 lei full price, 80 lei for Shoshin alumni
ATTENTION: Shoshin Theatre Association is able to offer 5 sponsored (free) places for the workshop. We can allocate these places in the order of arrival, so the first 5 candidates can receive them.
This workshop introduces the fundamental elements and principles of the Holistic Actor Method, a psychophysical approach to acting that integrates movement, breathwork, voice, introduction to emotional states, embodied text, ensemble collaboration, and relating with theatrical space.
The training paradigm combines Grotowski, late Stanislavski, environmental theatre and principles of sacred space, the classical Indian performance theory of emotional states (rasa aesthetics), Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals and Vinyasa Krama Yoga.
Workshop training is supported with a holistic wellness module that provides actors with self-care tools and resources relating to the emotional body and transitioning from emotional states in performance to emotional states in daily life.

Workshop Overview:
Morning Session Days 1 - 3 (3 hours) covers foundational somatic practices that support an embodied acting approach: Embodied Anatomy, Vinyasa Krama Yoga, Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals. This work is about the pure somatic experience of the moving body and the layers of thought, emotion, perception and energetic experience that arise from the body moving through space.
Afternoon Session Days 1 – 3 (4 hours) covers introductory experience in the Rasaboxes, Richard Schechner’s actor training paradigm, further developed by Melitta Konrádi, combining Grotowski improvisations, environmental theatre and rasa aesthetics, the system of emotional states employed in classical Indian performance.
Morning Session Day 4 (3 hours) covers holistic wellness practices to support actors in their craft and daily life: Yin Yoga, Myofascial Release, Yoga Energetics.
Afternoon Session Day 4 (4 hours) addresses the metaphysical aspects of acting, the spiritual purpose of theatre and the importance of emotional states in our learning journey as human beings. The workshop will end with a closing ritual and reflection.

The Holistic Actor Method was developed by Melitta Konrádi, an American theatre director of Hungarian descent, to start a mindful revolution within the theatre community around our approach to emotional states:
How we assume responsibility for this aspect of actor training.
How we address the impact of emotional states on professional actors as part of their work.
What we communicate to audiences about the nature of human emotion through performance.
The mission is to provide professional actors with a comprehensive approach to the emotional body in performance and support for healthy and mindful engagement with emotional states in performance and in daily life.
The Holistic Actor Method integrates the following:
Rasa aesthetics: the classical Indian performance paradigm of archetypal emotional states
Grotowski principles and exercises (to facilitate mastery of emotional impulses)
Principles of ritual theatre and sacred space (to delineate performance life from daily life)
Vinyasa Krama Yoga (as a core foundation in body|mind integration, breath support, vocal support, physical health, flexibility and focus)
Laban/Bartenieff (system of movement studies to support the actor’s movement integrity and expression and their relationship with the performance space)
Embodied Anatomy (kinesiology - the inner to outer organization of dynamic movement)
Current neuropsychology and somatic psychology related to emotional states
A module of holistic wellness practices based on Yoga and Ayurveda
Retreat settings surrounded by nature that support grounding, centering, authentic engagement, healthy habits and artistic renewal.

The Method philosophy rests on these precepts:
Professional actors are ambassadors of emotion for their communities.
Health and well-being for actors should be a primary concern throughout the industry and derive from training and professional support that are well-informed about emotional states and the use of emotional states in performance.
Acting is an embodied art form where emotion (mind) and physicality (body) are integrated.
Mastering embodied emotion in performance is a core aspect of the acting craft and requires holistic training that addresses the actor’s body, mind and spirit.
Mindful separation of emotional states in performance from emotional states in daily life is an essential aspect of actor training.
Professionalism in the theatre and artistic delivery both depend on the emotional health and integrity of theatre artists.
Full information on the method and Melitta’s complete actor training and coaching services can be found on her organization website: Melitta Konrádi Innovative Arts & Wellness,
Melitta Konrádi is a theatre director, singer, dancer, choreographer, certified yoga practitioner, somatic movement educator, writer and holistic wellness solopreneur. She is currently based in Hungary and works internationally through both digital and in-person platforms. She specializes in working with the emotional body as a path to artistry, personal transformation, health and well-being.
Melitta earned her M.A. in theatre at New York University, where she studied under Richard Schechner, and she trained in classical Indian dance drama with Ritha Devi, one of India’s great female dancers. Melitta also holds degrees, certifications and post-graduate training in psychology, somatic psychotherapy, Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals and several forms of yoga and yoga therapy.
Application to the session is open until Sunday, October 6th on the following e-mail address: or on Shoshin’s Facebook page (
To apply please send short bio together with a photo of yourself.
The project is made possible by the support of the Department for Interethnic Relations of the Romanian Government (DRI) and the Bethlen Gábor Fund (BGA).