Physical training – Actor’s dramaturgy – Bharata Natyam – Stilts
Performances – Demonstrations – Open rehearsals
23-29 August 2018, Vlaha, Cluj county
Led by: the company of Teatro tascabile di Bergamo (TTB)
Shoshin International Theatre Residencies awaits those interested with another special and unique workshop. This year's summer camp, which is becoming a tradition, is led by a whole company, as the guest of Shoshin is the Teatro tascabile di Bergamo (Italy). Accordingly, the workshop itself is much more stratified and richer: in addition to the workshops, participants get the chance to see performances from the repertoire of the company and as a unique opportunity they can get an insight into the rehearsals of TTB's new production.
The components of the workshop:
- common module: physical training (actor’s acrobatics and other exercises) and actor’s dramaturgy
- optional modules (you can choose one of the two): Indian classical dance (Bharata Natyam) or stilts-course
Arrival to Cluj-Napoca: 23rd of August
On the 23rd of August from 6 pm Messieur, how embarrassing!, from 8 pm Angikam performances from TTB in Cluj-Napoca. After the performances we travel to Vlaha.
24-29 August – Daily workshops led by the members of TTB. After the workshops, vocal training for cooling down, with the members of Shoshin. During the residencies the Messieur, how embarrassing! performance can be viewed again in Vlaha, there will also be open rehearsals and demonstrations, and by agreement, film projection(s). On the 29th of August we make a public presentation from the material of the workshop.
Leaving day: august 30.
About the company:
Teatro tascabile di Bergamo was founded by Renzo Vescovi in 1973. The company has an international reputation in the field of outdoor/open space theatre, while individual members are recognized experts of different styles of Indian dance. TTB treads on the path of laboratory work carved by Jerzy Grotowski and Eugenio Barba.
Shoshin International Theatre Residencies are designed to provide access in our region to less-accessible performance techniques for professionals (actors, performers, dancers, choreographers, directors) and amateurs alike.
Registration to the session happens on a rolling basis. To apply please send the filled out application form ( to the following address:
Participation fee:
140 Euros for participants from Western Europe, 90 Euros for participants from Eastern Europe. The number of available places is limited!
Fee includes tuition, lodging, food and transportation from Cluj Napoca to Vlaha. It does not include travel to and from Cluj Napoca.
The project is made possible by the support of Bethlen Gábor Fund.