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Feldenkrais. Unlock in lockdown.

Led by: Teresa Brayshaw (UK)

When: 2021, 10-13th of November, between 10:00-12:00

For: anybody interested


The course is held in English, good proficiency in it is required.

For registration please fill out the following application form: the latest until the 9th of November.

Participation is free

The participants will receive a Zoom link before each class. They can attend from home, circa 2 sqm of space for movement is required.

Introduction to Feldenkrais – Feldenkrais for the Lockdown


Welcome to an online workshop which consists of opportunities to experience the Feldenkrais Method through one of its modalities suitable for learning in remote contexts.

Daily Awareness Through Movement lessons will be delivered online and experienced by you in the comfort of your own home/studio/space.


This workshop offers you an opportunity to tune out of the stress of everyday living and tune into an interior sense of self of moving with ease and comfort. Designed for people with little or no experience of the Feldenkrais Method, this four-day morning workshop will enable you to connect with a deeper sense of how you move, your habits, your available choices and new possibilities for understanding yourself.


You will need a warm quiet/private space without distractions to lie down on the floor, a blanket or mat, a chair and a notebook and pen

The Feldenkrais Method - a new way of thinking about health.


The Feldenkrais Method® is a powerful and revolutionary approach to improving your life that uses gentle, mindful movement to bring new awareness and possibility into every aspect of your life. Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the Feldenkrais Method has helped millions of people worldwide.

Feldenkrais is now a key training methodology for actors, dancers, musicians and creative practitioners around the world and has become the fastest growing somatic practice in UK performer training contexts .

Feldenkrais® group classes are known as Awareness Through Movement® (ATM®) lessons. Similar to Tai Chi or gentle yoga, Awareness Through Movement classes use slow, mindful movements to achieve powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility, and holistic integration of body and mind. Unique to the Feldenkrais Method® of somatic education is that these lessons tie directly into functional movements of daily life, such as walking efficiently, safely lifting objects, and improving one’s posture in sitting or standing.

You can expect a class to last somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes. You might walk, stand, or sit in a chair, although usually, you will lie on the floor in a variety of comfortable positions: either on your back, front, or side. The teacher guides students through a sequence of movements, encouraging them to move with gentle attention within a comfortable range. You may become aware of unexpected and interesting connections within and between the movements. As you attend to the improving quality of movement, unnecessary muscular tensions throughout the body can reorganize and release. Students are often amazed at the quick and clear changes that occur through the neuromuscular repatterning that happens in an Awareness Through Movement lesson!

About the instructor:


Teresa Brayshaw


Teresa is a theatre practitioner, a writer, a teacher, a researcher, and a qualified Feldenkrais Practitioner. She has worked extensively in the UK university and European Theatre School sectors over the last 30 years and is both a professional mentor and qualified coach. In addition to her own pedagogic practice, she also makes and directs theatre performances, performs, writes and regularly contribute to debates on arts education. Her ethos is to create environments in which people from all walks of life, and especially performers and creative practitioners, can learn through movement and awareness, to develop their innate potential and become happier and healthier as a result. She is a fully certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, and offers Awareness through Movement classes and Functional Integration to individuals and organisations in the UK and Europe.

Beyond an Embodied Knowledges course at masters level at Leeds Beckett University, Teresa teaches workshops in Feldenkrais and creative practice to acting, music, dance and design students/artists at Arden School of Theatre, Manchester Metropolitan University, Northumbria University, York University, Nottingham University, Zagreb and Osijek Academy of Dramatic arts in Croatia, and on the International ATIPIA project in Germany, France, Hungary and Romania.

The project is made possible by the support of the City Hall and Local Council of Cluj-Napoca, the Bethlen Gábor Fund (BGA), the National Cultural Fund (NKA) and Communitas Foundation.



5-7, Paris Street

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

+40 720 068 419


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