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Rural Inclusive Outdoor Theatre Education



RIOTE 3 Erasmus + KA 2 partnership project started on 1st October and lasts for 24 months. The partnership is constituted by: Shoshin Theatre Association (Romania), UtcaSzAK (Hungary, Budapest), SINUM Theatre Association (Hungary, Pécs as coordinator), Kud Ljud (Slovenia), Teatro Nucleo (Italy), Protagon e. V. (Germany), Une idée dans l’air (France), Take Art Ltd. (United Kingdom).

The RIOTE 3 project aim is to develop two innovative intellectual outputs based on knowledge and skills exchange between performing arts organizations, dealing with adult education through outdoor theatre, physical theatre or other adult educational practices in rural settlements. The project is at the same time, based on the research question: ‘As performing arts organizations, how can we develop our adult educational activity, so we can reach more of our target groups?’

The two planned teaching/learneng matrerials:
1. A life quality measurement toolkit for those adult educators who want to implement technology based feedback in their work with groups and individuals.
2. A practical guide for participatory theatre in remote villages, specially with elderly people.

Outdoor performing adult education can revitalize culture in socially marginalized environments with proposing: dialogic approach, critical thinking by revealing social problems, trigger the visualization of social change, interactive cultural exchange, empowerment of the community, collective education, development of multiple intelligences, strong pedagogical aspect and collaborative process.
The national networks are supposed to meet on a long-term prospective, creating the European Rural Touring Network that sustains the impact and the outputs of the project.

Planned work with the target group:
The eight partners will work parallel in their own villages: Bingenheim (Germany), Méra (Romania), Kázsmárk (Hungary), South Peterton (UK), Pontelagoscuro (Italy), Ravne na Koroškem (Slovenia), Máriagyűd (Hungary), Villars and Apt (France). One theatre group will be formed in each village with approximately 10-20 participants, through (at least a weekly) regular training process, what will be leaded by one or two mentors of the partner organization in the relevant country. The 30% of the amateur theatre group should be older than 60 years old, since one of our main aims is to foster intergenerational dialogue.
The climax of the working process will be the international Joint Staff Training of the host country, when the relevant partner will show its work with the target community to the project partners. (This can be different in those cases who are hosting JST in an early period of the project).
Theme: should be a local myth of the village, a story, a local heritage what can be re-discovered and transformed into a narrative what is connected to the memory or to the collective consciousness of the community.
The length of this work can vary, the partner has to plan it according to its conditions, but it should not be shorter than two months (or 14 appointments with the community) ending with a performance.
The mentors will participate alternately during the eight international joint staff training, where they will learn new methods to implement in their village-groups. One of these methods is the application of Firstbeat and Polar test, measuring life quality through analyzing Heart Rate Variability (HRV), what will be applied consequently also for the target community to measure group-members life quality at the beginning of the project and later at the end of their creative working process, for three-three days, before during and after the theatre sessions/rehearsals.


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5-7, Paris Street

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

+40 720 068 419


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