János Háy: Father's daughter

Háy’s text is based on the figure of Polish nurse Irena Sendlerowa, who rescued more than 2,000 children from the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. However, the real background was only a starting point for the author –as he himself mentions in the preface to his work- and for the creative team to observe and traverse the other side of the coin, while exploring external oppression, vulnerability, the situation of confinement; the inner confinement, the limits within us, the inability of man to true freedom, and the fact that “we are prisoners of our own prison and cannot destroy a wall, and we are glad when others build a wall around us, as we believe we are in captivity because of them”.
Played by: Sára Kiss-Ferenczi, Tamás Márkos, Ervin Ruszuly.
Live music: Tamás Márkos.
Directed by: Csongor Köllő.
Dramatug asistant: Veres Kincső.
Photos by: Tamás Márkos, Zoltán Rab, Helga Tóth
The performance was realized with the support of the National Cultural Fund (NKA), the Bethlen Gábor Fund (BGA), the Communitas Foundation, the City Hall and the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca, and it is played further with the Department for Interethnic Relations of the Romanian Government (DRI).